Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mona by John Coultas

Mona is a scene from my short story The Wheel

The tavern was empty save the presence of Dinky and Sanders. The proprietor, towel over his shoulder, elbows on the bar was attempting the posture of the listener. The customer sat opposite the barkeep, nursing a Seven and Seven, lamenting the life of the single man, living at home.

"My supervisor at the department, Mamma, they just won’t let me be...you know, make decisions. They are after me all the time. Do this, do that. Can't they just leave me alone let me do my job." Sanders whined. Dinky’s eyes squinted.

"And Mamma is always after me about getting a wife. Tonight she invited Mona over, you remember me mentioning my cousin Mona, the one I took to her prom and mine. She wants me to marry my second cousin. Mona the writer, went to NYU, writes stories for romance magazines. Goes to NYU for four years and the best she can do..."

Dinky would nod and emit a knowing grunt as the comments required. Sanders went on. "Mona's been after me for years, she's ok, she just isn't...you know, hot. Not the girl you dream about, the one you want to go home to at the end of the day, rip her clothes off and make love to. You know me Dinky, the way I am...respect women. I keep my hands off Mandie, not like Lenny. But it would be nice to have a hot wife." He snorted a laugh, and stopped to catch his breath, toying with his drink. Dinky leaned back, looked down the bar and around the room, slapping his bar towel against the counter.

Back to Sanders he asked. "Need a refill there." Dinky knew the answer, the one the kid always used. Sanders looked at the half filled glass.

"Better not, Mamma will know if I've had too much, better not."

Dinky smiled. "Gotta go in back a minute, verify a delivery I got this afternoon." He lied.

Sanders trudged up the steps to the brownstone, dreading the evening to be endured. Mamma yammering, extolling the talent and beauty of her favorite niece. Mona, bookish Mona, with the inch thick glasses and the steel mesh mouth. It had been two years ago, the last such fete.

As he reached for the knob the door was yanked open. There stood Mamma, all four-foot-ten inches of her. Her freshly permed curls, in their pink wash matching the chiffon gown that enveloped her diminutive form. "Archibald, how wonderful to have you home." Her arms reached up to her son, the falsity was the routine when guests were in the house. He bent to her, they allowed one another a quick peck to the cheek. She whispered. "You be nice to her." He sighed, the sigh of the depressed.

Mamma turned aside and motioned. "And Archibald look who we have here." Standing in the entry to the dining room stood cousin Mona. Dowdy, mousy Mona, replaced by someone having only a slight semblance of the previous incarnation.

Sanders stood transfixed. He was unable to take his eyes off the "little black dress", the dress all men fanaticize over. Mamma's little Mona was wearing that dress. The glasses, where were the glasses, she was blind with out them. Her eyes were blue, they had always been blue but the coke bottle lenses distorted the luster and sparkle he was seeing. Sparkle, that smile, where was all the metal, "Metal mouth Mona." That was my name for her he thought.

"Archibald, don't just stand there, say something to your cousin, give her a kiss."

Sanders faltered toward her, his lips twitching a vague smile. He pronounced. "Mona." And stumbled into her. His cousin steadied him, drawing him close, giving a full mouthed kiss. He was stunned, a deer in the beams of a Mack truck. It was the dress, the dark hair draping down to her shoulders, the deep "V" of her dress exposing small round breast, sumptuous, ripe ready to be picked. He inhaled her cologne, the room seemed to dip and swirl. His knees felt like they were going to slump.

"Archibald, what is the matter with you?" Mamma demanded. Tugging at his overcoat she turned him to her. She sniffed at him. "Have you been at that "Dinky" place again." She had her hands on her hips glaring.

"Now Mamma I just had one small highball." He motioned with his thumb and forefinger indicating a drink much smaller than that which he had imbibed.

"Mamma." Mona always referred to Mamma, as Mamma. "It' been two years since I saw Archie last. Let's enjoy being together" Archie, did Sanders hear that right, not Archibald. Archie was an improvement. She held his arm tight, she smiled up into his face. He was feeling woozy again.

"It's warm in here." Sanders began working at his overcoat buttons as Mamma and Mona guided him to a chair in the dining room, where he sat and removed the coat.

Sanders leaned back in his chair, Mona noted perspiration on his upper lip. "Mamma, Archie might needs some water, he doesn't look well." She patted his hand and ran her fingers through his hair. He relaxed and again exhaled a deep sigh.

"I've warned him about those places, and drinking." Mamma scolded as she went for the water.

"I've always admired your hair it is just so dark and thick." Mona cooed. Her eyes followed deep rich furrows her fingers created in his hair. Mamma returned, she stood in the doorway, the glass of water in hand, taking in her son, and Mona caressing his hair. Her dreams were fulfilled, her life was complete.

"Archie, you are such a gentleman to walk me home." Mona said. The snow crunched under their feet as they progressed down the sidewalk. "Why don't you hold my hand. We can steady one another, don't want to fall." Sanders reached for her hand, she giggled. "It is so quiet when it snows, the flakes muffle sounds. I guess that is why."

"I can't get over how different you are Mona. You are a woman now. You are just so changed." Sanders complimented. He was pleased with himself. And Mona rewarded him with a my hero smile. Just maybe he could strip away that little black dress.

Mona stopped. "This is my building Archie." She continued to hold his hand. "Thank you for walking with me. I would like to show my appreciation. Would you come up with me." She turned her face to him, she offered her lips. He hesitated, then moved to her, kissing her lightly, she slid her arms inside his coat, gathering him to her, pressing her open mouth to his.

She pushed back, giggling. "Come up Archie, we can have a drink, well chocolate, or coffee, Mamma would not approve of liquor."

Hand in hand they went up the steps and into the entry vestibule. A row of mail boxes covered one wall. At the far end a man stood, looking into his empty box muttering. "Guido had the winner, Guido had the winner."

As they took the stairs up to Mona's apartment Sanders asked. "Who was that?"

"Joe Ferrara, he owns this building and a hundred more in the city. This is the only nice one, he lives here."

Mona’s apartment was not small, but not large. It was neat and clean but modest in furnishings. Sanders was impressed by her accomplishment.

With an open hand Mona noted the apartment layout. "Here is my small sitting area, my dining table and kitchen nook. I am especially proud of this room. Mona slid aside two doors exposing a bedroom, large for the size of the apartment and a king sized bed. She allowed him to brush past her, her hand rubbing against him with intent. He sucked air and reddened. She moved to him, pulling away his jacket, tugging at his shirt, she slipped her dress from her shoulders, and with a free hand she slapped the light switch off. The room fell to darkness. "Archie do you want me." She asked.

"Oh, yes Mona. I want you, I have always wanted you."

She snickered. "Oh Archie you are just so big."

"Mona you are soft, so beautiful. Mamma would like it if we got married."

"Oh Archie, let me slip off your pants, you get your shirt. Oh, Archie. Now your shorts." Mona purred.

"Mona I've never met a woman like you." His voice cracked.

"You will never forget tonight Archie. Did you read my book?"

"Well...I...I was going to."

"Lay back Archie. Stretch out, relax. I want to be on top. You will enjoy me on top. I will be your master. I will entertain you."

"Oh, Mona you can do whatever you want." In the darkness there is a clicking sound...and then again. What is that Mona? My wrist I can't move my wrist." He protested. A metallic sound, metal scraping against metal could be heard.

"Shush Archie, you are going to hurt your self. It's a shame you didn't read my novel. It is all there. It's about us. I almost forgot I need to put this on."

"I think I need to leave now, undue the what...handcuffs, is that what they are?" There was a note of protest in Sanders voice.

There was a ripping sound. "In a while Archie, in a while you will understand. But first I'll put this on." Sanders felt something going across his face, he tried to turn away, fight it off, too late. Duct tape, the taste, feel and smell of duct tape. He pulled his wrist and twisted his head. Then she began pulling at his feet. Again there was the clicking sound. He was unable to move his legs. His body torqued up and to the sides.

"Ummff! Hlpfff! Mmmfff! Mmmfff!" His muffled screams and shouts became comic to Mona, she was enjoying her efforts.

"Too dark in here." She ran to the windows, flinging the drape open, allowing a gray glow from the street lamps to fill the room. "That's better Archie, I want to see you enjoying our time together." His eyes were opened wide, the defused light caught the terror within. Mona began removing the rest of her clothing. She flicked her finger at the tip of Sanders nose. "Now I remember you saying how you liked all the changes I've made." She turned in the light to let him see her body. Let him see what he was going to enjoy. "Do you like what I've done. Oh, and don't worry cousin, I've practiced with other men. I know how to give pleasure." She giggled her girlish giggle. "I'm good, every man I've had leaves with his tail dragging out of here."

“Ummmff! Ummmff! Sanders tossed sided to side arching his neck.

Her gaze returned to his eyes, eyes that expressed only fear. She was happy, the project was going well. She curled up next to Sanders kitten-like, her head on his shoulder, one hand toyed with the small patch of hair on his chest. "Archie do you remember my high school prom." Archie didn't respond. She lifted her head, he was studying the ceiling. She grabbed a handful of chest hair and yanked.

"Affffffff!" was Sanders only response. He thrashed for a moment then remembered resistance was useless.

"That's better Archie, I was afraid you had fallen asleep. Where was I. Oh, yes the prom. Do you remember?" She paused, there was no response from Sanders. Her grasp went back to his chest.

"Ummfff, ummfff." He responded. His eyes focused on her.

"Good boy, you are learning fast." She patted his head. "The prom, remember when you spent the night with the other boys, telling stories about me, reciting your favorite names for me. "Coke eyes, metal mouth, String Bean Sally." She rolled on top of him, leaning over him. "Not much of a string bean now. I saw the look at Mamma's house. You were taking me in, disrobing me, having your way."

She flicked the tip of his nose again, he winced. "How many years Archie, name calling, bullying, torment. Unfortunately Archie I only get one night. One night Archie is all I have, I have to make the best of it. Years of torment released in one night. I'm looking forward to it. Aren't you?"

"Nffff! Nfff!" Sanders protested. She stroked him. "Nfff!"

"Archie your a big boy." She examined his response. "Well not so big. You can handle it."

She stroked more. "Nffff! Nfff!"

Mona leaned forward, palms on his shoulders, stretching herself out, matching him head to toe. "I've had better Archie, well to be honest, much better. But you'll get the idea cousin, by morning most certainly you will understand."

Sanders body arched and quaked. "Affff! Afff! Afff!"

She was sitting on his chest again. "I don't think you will want to discuss this with your friends at Dinky's. It might be too, well too hard to live down. As for Mamma, I will have to explain that you were unable to fill my needs. She will be disappointed; she was so looking forward to grandchildren. She will understand, knowing you for the failure you are. She erupted into another burst of giggles as she brought Sanders back to life.

"Nfff! Nfff! Nfff!" He rocked back and forth on the bead.

"I'm enjoying it also Archie." She spewed more giggles.

Morning seeped into the room. Mona at the side of her bed stretched and yawned. She wrapped herself in a modest robe. Behind her lay an inert Sanders, surrounded by vibrators, stimulators, and other gadgets from the trade. All guaranteed to provide a good time. "Archie." Mona whispered. She touched his arm, giving him a slight shake. His bloodshot eyes shot open.

"Nfff! Nfff! Nfff!" He said.

"No Archie You are just too much a man for me, I couldn't possibly go another round with you." She patted his arm, he jerked away from her. She smiled a beatific smile.

"Archie you will really have to read my novel, and then you will understand the humor in this. I'm sure you will enjoy the story. The critics have just loved it." She smiled down at Sanders as she ripped the duct tape from his mouth.

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